Brazil will be the guest of honor at the 2019 edition of the Global Tourism Economy Forum (GTEF). Its participation in the event, scheduled for October next year in China, will help solidify the increasing bilateral relations between the two nations in the area of tourism.

The GTEF is considered an important global cooperation driver in tourism. Next year, Brazil will attend in partnership with Argentina. “It is our commitment to further strengthen our ties with China, Brazil’s largest trading partner, through tourism. Being the featured guest of the next edition is more than an honour, it is a great responsibility,” said Rafael Luisi, head of the International Relations area at the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism.

According to Luisi, GTEF Secretary-General Pansy Ho (photo) “considers Brazil a nation that has much to grow in its relations with China, especially so with Macao, due to the shared Portuguese language”.

Brazil’s participation in the event will aid the country’s recent efforts to become a stronger presence in the Chinese travel market, which injects US$ 250 billion into the world economy every year. Today, of the more than 130 million Chinese who travel around the world every year, just over 60 thousand choose Brazil as a destination, chiefly drawn to the country by business tourism and ecotourism.


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