President Temer sanctioned bills into law for the benefit of Brazilian women. The first bill sanctioned inscribes Zuleika Angel Jones, also known as Zuzu Angel, one of the most important and innovative Brazilian designers, in the Book of Heroes and Heroines of the Motherland. The second amends the Penal Code to prohibit the use of shackles on pregnant women during childbirth and the postpartum period. The third established August as National Breast-feeding Month. The fourth amends the Statute for the Protection of Children and Adolescent (ECA) to assure nursing mothers the right to follow-up and guidance regarding breast-feeding. The last creates the National Week of No Violence against Women to be celebrated in November. For President Temer, the bills signed into law benefit women and reaffirm their role in the development of the country. “Women are agents of change in the country. They are also the driving force behind great acts by the legislative branch over time,” he said.

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