Making teacher training in Brazil more qualified is a way of improving the economy, strengthening democracy and citizenship of people, stated the President of the Republic, Michel Temer. On February 28th, the Brazilian Government announced the investment of over R$ 1 billion to create 190 vacancies in training programmes.” The training of children and young people is really, a great foundation for a prosperous economy, a vibrant democracy and for full citizenship, which is why we are making an effort to modernise education in the country”, stated Temer. “This is a measure that will add to what our government has been doing in favour of the educational system.”


On March 1st, the terms for application was published in the Federal Official Gazette (DOU) for the 45 thousand vacancies on offer through the Teaching Initiation Scholarship Institutional Programme (Pibid), and another 45 thousand for pedagogical residence. In addition, 100 thousand vacancies was on offer for distance learn-ing programmes at Brazil’s Open University (UAB).

Other projects to improve education were mentioned by the Minister of Education, Mendonça Filho, such as the National Common Curriculum Base (BNCC), the upper secondary education reform and the strengthening of full-time education.

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