The Partnership Platform for the Amazon (PPA) was launched in December and brought together companies of different sizes and from different sectors around a common goal: to discuss the challenges and opportunities private sector engagement in promoting the sustainable development of the Amazon. The event, was held in Manaus (Amazonas state), and was organized by the Institute of Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Amazon (IDESAM), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (ICTA) with support of the Amazonas State Industry Center (CIEAM).

“All the companies in the Amazon or with strategic commercial relations in the region are invited to take part. Private initiatives are naturally inclined to discover opportunities and can be a driver of new business, fostering sustainable entrepreneurship in the Amazon region by investing in development models that are economically viable, environmentally positive and socially responsible,” explained Mariano Cenamo, co-founder of IDESAM and in charge of the executive coordination of the PPA.

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